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PRIVACY NOTICE for Rochelle Broadcasting Company (WRHL/WYOT)

INFORMATION: Rochelle Broadcasting Company respects the privacy of those who visit this website. Information you submit to Rochelle Broadcasting Company will not be used in any manner for which you have not given consent. Rochelle Broadcasting Company regularly analyzes its website logs to monitor the flow of traffic and make improvements to our website(s) content. The information we collect will be used to create customer profiles based on browsing or purchasing history. We will not supplement information collected at our websites with data from other sources.

COOKIES POLICY: Rochelle Broadcasting Company websites use “cookies” and other technologies to help us understand which areas in our websites are the most popular and how much time is spent there. We also use cookies and other technologies to track customer interest in products and services for our online advertisers. We use cookies to customize your experience and provide greater convenience each time you interact with us. For example, knowing your first name allows us to welcome you with a greeting the next time you use our website.

CHILDREN’S POLICY: Although persons of all ages may visit our websites and participate in activities that do not require the collection of personal information; we do not knowingly or intentionally collect personal information from children under the age of 13. We will reject and delete the registration or entry of any person we believe to be underage. Any false or fraudulent registration or entry from a minor will be deemed to be ineligible and will disqualify the minor from the receipt of a prize, benefit, or other participation.

LINKS TO OTHER WEBSITES:  Rochelle Broadcasting Company websites contain links to other websites. Rochelle Broadcasting Company is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such websites. Please visit the privacy policies of these third party sites in order to understand their policies and data collection practices. Rochelle Broadcasting Company is not liable for the policies or actions of these third party sites.

CHANGES TO POLICY:  Rochelle Broadcasting Company reserves the right to revise, change or modify this policy at any time or for any reason. We also reserve the right to post FAQ’s from time to time on specific features, products or issues.

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