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July 24, 2024 


This EEO public file report is filed in compliance with section 73.2080c(6) of the FCC’s 2002 EEO rule.  This report has been prepared on behalf of the employment unit that is comprised of stations WRHL-AM and WYOT-FM, Rochelle, Illinois.

We are an equal opportunity employer, committed to providing broad outreach regarding job vacancies and we seek the help of local organizations in referring qualified applicants.  Organizations wishing to receive information about vacancies at the stations should contact Gary Petersen at Rochelle Broadcasting Company, 815-562-7001 and/or write to Director of Human Resources, P.O. Box 177, Rochelle, Illinois 61068 and/or e-mail [email protected].   

As of Sept. 30th, 2023, we went to 4 full-time employees.  The station employment unit related to WRHL and WYOT has less than 5 full-time employees and, accordingly, is not required to comply with 47 CFR 73.2080(b) or (c).



                                    July 25, 2023 


This EEO public file report is filed in compliance with section 73.2080c(6) of the FCC’s 2002 EEO rule.  This report has been prepared on behalf of the employment unit that is comprised of stations WRHL-AM and WYOT-FM, Rochelle, Illinois.

We are an equal opportunity employer, committed to providing broad outreach regarding job vacancies and we seek the help of local organizations in referring qualified applicants.  Organizations wishing to receive information about vacancies at the stations should contact Gary Petersen at Rochelle Broadcasting Company, 815-562-7001 and/or write to Director of Human Resources, P.O. Box 177, Rochelle, Illinois 61068 and/or e-mail [email protected].   For the purposes of this report, a vacancy was “filled” not when the offer was extended, but when the hire accepted the job offer.  A person was recorded as “interviewed” whether he or she was interviewed in person, or over the phone or via e-mail.

During the reporting period of July 26, 2022 through July 25 , 2023 WRHL-AM and WYOT-FM in compliance with FCC rules, would normally publicize vacancies for both stations by doing the following:  With the exception of internal promotions and rare hires requiring unusual confidentiality, Rochelle Broadcasting Company would use the following recruitment methods:  posting the positions on the station website, and internally through “word of mouth” and “on-air” announcements made on both stations.  Any job opening would be posted on the bulletin board in our building so that all employees were aware of the opening, in the event that someone might ask them about the position or if they knew of someone that might be interested.  On-air advertisements about the position would run on both stations to further reach out to the community about the opening.  We are also an active member of the local Chambers of Commerce.  These groups do a variety of functions, ranging from formal programs to informal meetings and social gatherings at which information concerning the needs of the members are discussed, including employment opportunities and challenges.  In our small, tight-knit communities, we have found that this is the primary and most effective means of alerting business leaders to our needs so that they can spread the word throughout the community.




Gary Petersen, one of the licensee’s principals, hosts frequent training sessions of the stations’ management personnel and employees.  This amounts to about 20 each year.  These sessions consist of management techniques including supervisory methods, business metrics, and sales techniques.  This will assist the stations’ management personnel and employees in advancing in their careers. 

The stations were part of three 2023 Job Fairs.  The first was the City of Rochelle on March 10th, then the Sycamore Chamber Job Fair on April 1st, and then the DeKalb Chamber Job Fair on April 27th.  Job seekers were invited to stop by and visit with local businesses and find out about jobs available.  Kris Wexell and Chuck O’Brien represented WRHL and WYOT at the Job Fairs.  This is a major outreach event for local businesses.  Inquiries are often received there concerning employment opportunities. 

For period beginning July 26, 2022 through July 25, 2023:



Total number of Interviewees for all full-time vacancies filled during the past year:  __0___

Full-Time jobs filled during the past year: ___0__


            Contact Person: Gary Petersen____________

            Address: __400 May Mart Dr. Rochelle, IL 61068_____________________

            Phone: ___815-562-7001__________________


Internship Opportunity

WRHL-AM/WYOT-FM, Rochelle, IL seeks part-time interns to carry out a variety of tasks including updating weather forecasts, operating boards during local sporting events and completing affidavits. By the end of the internship, the intern will learn how a real-life, for-profit small-market radio station operates; one would learn all of the moving parts, all the titles, duties and basic structure of the radio business, and would, in addition, build radio and TV broadcasting contacts to form a solid foundation for a future career in broadcasting. While specific start and end dates remain flexible, internships run January-April, May-August and September-December. To apply, send a resume and letter stating what you can bring to the table (e-mail is fine) to Kris Wexell, WRHL-AM/WYOT-FM, call with questions to (815) 562-7001. Equal Opportunity Employer



                                    July 25, 2022



This EEO public file report is filed in compliance with section 73.2080c(6) of the FCC’s 2002 EEO rule.  This report has been prepared on behalf of the employment unit that is comprised of stations WRHL-AM and WYOT-FM, Rochelle, Illinois.

We are an equal opportunity employer, committed to providing broad outreach regarding job vacancies and we seek the help of local organizations in referring qualified applicants.  Organizations wishing to receive information about vacancies at the stations should contact Gary Petersen at Rochelle Broadcasting Company, 815-562-7001 and/or write to Director of Human Resources, P.O. Box 177, Rochelle, Illinois 61068 and/or e-mail [email protected].   For the purposes of this report, a vacancy was “filled” not when the offer was extended, but when the hire accepted the job offer.  A person was recorded as “interviewed” whether he or she was interviewed in person, or over the phone or via e-mail.

During the reporting period of July 26, 2021 through July 25 , 2022 WRHL-AM and WYOT-FM in compliance with FCC rules, would normally publicize vacancies for both stations by doing the following:  With the exception of internal promotions and rare hires requiring unusual confidentiality, Rochelle Broadcasting Company would use the following recruitment methods:  posting the positions on the station website, and internally through “word of mouth” and “on-air” announcements made on both stations.  Any job opening would be posted on the bulletin board in our building so that all employees were aware of the opening, in the event that someone might ask them about the position or if they knew of someone that might be interested.  On-air advertisements about the position would run on both stations to further reach out to the community about the opening.  We are also an active member of the local Chambers of Commerce.  These groups do a variety of functions, ranging from formal programs to informal meetings and social gatherings at which information concerning the needs of the members are discussed, including employment opportunities and challenges.  In our small, tight-knit communities, we have found that this is the primary and most effective means of alerting business leaders to our needs so that they can spread the word throughout the community.




Gary Petersen, one of the licensee’s principals, hosts frequent training sessions of the stations’ management personnel and employees.  This amounts to about 20 each year.  These sessions consist of management techniques including supervisory methods, business metrics, and sales techniques.  This will assist the stations’ management personnel and employees in advancing in their careers. 

The stations were part of the 2021 Job Fair on September 16th at Rochelle Township High School, and the 2022 Job Fair on May 6th, also at Rochelle Township High School.  Job seekers were invited to stop by and visit with local businesses and find out about jobs available.  Kris Wexell and Chuck O’Brien represented WRHL and WYOT at the Job Fair.   This is a major outreach event for local businesses.  Inquiries are often received there concerning employment opportunities. 


For period beginning July 26, 2021 through July 25, 2022:



Total number of Interviewees for all full-time vacancies filled during the past year:  __0___

Full-Time jobs filled during the past year: ___0__


            Contact Person: Gary Petersen____________

            Address: __400 May Mart Dr. Rochelle, IL 61068_____________________

            Phone: ___815-562-7001__________________






                                    July 27, 2021



This EEO public file report is filed in compliance with section 73.2080c(6) of the FCC’s 2002 EEO rule.  This report has been prepared on behalf of the employment unit that is comprised of stations WRHL-AM and WYOT-FM, Rochelle, Illinois.

We are an equal opportunity employer, committed to providing broad outreach regarding job vacancies and we seek the help of local organizations in referring qualified applicants.  Organizations wishing to receive information about vacancies at the stations should contact Gary Petersen at Rochelle Broadcasting Company, 815-562-7001 and/or write to Director of Human Resources, P.O. Box 177, Rochelle, Illinois 61068 and/or e-mail [email protected].   For the purposes of this report, a vacancy was “filled” not when the offer was extended, but when the hire accepted the job offer.  A person was recorded as “interviewed” whether he or she was interviewed in person, or over the phone or via e-mail.

During the reporting period of July 16, 2020 through July 26 , 2021 WRHL-AM and WYOT-FM in compliance with FCC rules, would normally publicize vacancies for both stations by doing the following:  With the exception of internal promotions and rare hires requiring unusual confidentiality, Rochelle Broadcasting Company would use the following recruitment methods:  posting the positions on the station website, and internally through “word of mouth” and “on-air” announcements made on both stations.  Any job opening would be posted on the bulletin board in our building so that all employees were aware of the opening, in the event that someone might ask them about the position or if they knew of someone that might be interested.  On-air advertisements about the position would run on both stations to further reach out to the community about the opening.  We are also an active member of the local Chambers of Commerce.  These groups do a variety of functions, ranging from formal programs to informal meetings and social gatherings at which information concerning the needs of the members are discussed, including employment opportunities and challenges.  In our small, tight-knit communities, we have found that this is the primary and most effective means of alerting business leaders to our needs so that they can spread the word throughout the community.




Gary Petersen, one of the licensee’s principals, hosts frequent training sessions of the stations’ management personnel and employees.  This amounts to about 20 each year.  These sessions consist of management techniques including supervisory methods, business metrics, and sales techniques.  This will assist the stations’ management personnel and employees in advancing in their careers. 


For period beginning July 16, 2020 through July 26, 2021:



Total number of Interviewees for all full-time vacancies filled during the past year:  __0___

Full-Time jobs filled during the past year: ___0__


            Contact Person: Gary Petersen____________

            Address: __400 May Mart Dr. Rochelle, IL 61068_____________________

            Phone: ___815-562-7001__________________





                                    July 15, 2020



This EEO public file report is filed in compliance with section 73.2080c(6) of the FCC’s 2002 EEO rule.  This report has been prepared on behalf of the employment unit that is comprised of stations WRHL-AM and WYOT-FM, Rochelle, Illinois.

We are an equal opportunity employer, committed to providing broad outreach regarding job vacancies and we seek the help of local organizations in referring qualified applicants.  Organizations wishing to receive information about vacancies at the stations should contact Gary Petersen at Rochelle Broadcasting Company, 815-562-7001 and/or write to Director of Human Resources, P.O. Box 177, Rochelle, Illinois 61068 and/or e-mail [email protected].   For the purposes of this report, a vacancy was “filled” not when the offer was extended, but when the hire accepted the job offer.  A person was recorded as “interviewed” whether he or she was interviewed in person, or over the phone or via e-mail.

During the reporting period of July 22, 2019 through July 15 , 2020 WRHL-AM and WYOT-FM in compliance with FCC rules, would normally publicize vacancies for both stations by doing the following:  With the exception of internal promotions and rare hires requiring unusual confidentiality, Rochelle Broadcasting Company would use the following recruitment methods:  posting the positions on the station website, and internally through “word of mouth” and “on-air” announcements made on both stations.  Any job opening would be posted on the bulletin board in our building so that all employees were aware of the opening, in the event that someone might ask them about the position or if they knew of someone that might be interested.  On-air advertisements about the position would run on both stations to further reach out to the community about the opening.  We are also an active member of the local Chambers of Commerce.  These groups do a variety of functions, ranging from formal programs to informal meetings and social gatherings at which information concerning the needs of the members are discussed, including employment opportunities and challenges.  In our small, tight-knit communities, we have found that this is the primary and most effective means of alerting business leaders to our needs so that they can spread the word throughout the community.




Long-term recruitment initiatives include an “in-house” internship program involving local college and high school students, or someone from the community.  The program provides programs, newscasts, promotional events and work with talent.  A total of 2 interns were used during the reporting period. 

Gary Petersen, one of the licensee’s principals, hosts frequent training sessions of the stations’ management personnel and employees.  This amounts to about 20 each year.  These sessions consist of management techniques including supervisory methods, business metrics, and sales techniques.  This will assist the stations’ management personnel and employees in advancing in their careers. 


For period beginning July 22, 2019 through July 15, 2020:



Total number of Interviewees for all full-time vacancies filled during the past year:  __1___

Full-Time jobs filled during the past year: ___1__


Title of Full-Time job filled:      Announcer/Sales Executive__

            Date Position filled:  August 26, 2019_

            Recruitment Source used: _In House __

            Referred hired? Y__X__ N_____   Number of Interviewees referred: __1__


Additional Information: The position filled was created after we were contacted by the person hired. He said he was let go from his previous job and thought he could bring his skills and his Auction Show to our stations. After the interview and a phone interview and much discussion, it was determined that we wanted to hire him and begin to air his Auction Show to make additional revenue.   The hiree had extensive experience at both on-air announcing and sales.  After he started working, it came to light that he had a non-compete at his previous job, and he was released from his duties at the end of October.


            Contact Person: Gary Petersen____________

            Address: __400 May Mart Dr. Rochelle, IL 61068_____________________

            Phone: ___815-562-7001__________________



For the full time vacancies occurring during the two-year time period prior to filing this license renewal application, a variety of recruitment sources were used with the result that a broad and inclusive outreach of information regarding such employment vacancies was achieved.







                                    July 22, 2019



This EEO public file report is filed in compliance with section 73.2080c(6) of the FCC’s 2002 EEO rule.  This report has been prepared on behalf of the employment unit that is comprised of stations WRHL-AM and WYOT-FM, Rochelle, Illinois.

We are an equal opportunity employer, committed to providing broad outreach regarding job vacancies and we seek the help of local organizations in referring qualified applicants.  Organizations wishing to receive information about vacancies at the stations should contact Gary Petersen at Rochelle Broadcasting Company, 815-562-7001 and/or write to Director of Human Resources, P.O. Box 177, Rochelle, Illinois 61068 and/or e-mail [email protected].   For the purposes of this report, a vacancy was “filled” not when the offer was extended, but when the hire accepted the job offer.  A person was recorded as “interviewed” whether he or she was interviewed in person, or over the phone or via e-mail.

During the reporting period of July 27, 2018 through July 22, 2019 WRHL-AM and WYOT-FM in compliance with FCC rules, would normally publicize vacancies for both stations by doing the following:  With the exception of internal promotions and rare hires requiring unusual confidentiality, Rochelle Broadcasting Company would use the following recruitment methods:  posting the positions on the station website, and internally through “word of mouth” and “on-air” announcements made on both stations.  Any job opening would be posted on the bulletin board in our building so that all employees were aware of the opening, in the event that someone might ask them about the position or if they knew of someone that might be interested.  On-air advertisements about the position would run on both stations to further reach out to the community about the opening.  We are also an active member of the local Chambers of Commerce.  These groups do a variety of functions, ranging from formal programs to informal meetings and social gatherings at which information concerning the needs of the members are discussed, including employment opportunities and challenges.  In our small, tight-knit communities, we have found that this is the primary and most effective means of alerting business leaders to our needs so that they can spread the word throughout the community.



Long-term recruitment initiatives include an “in-house” internship program involving local college and high school students, or someone from the community.  The program provides programs, newscasts, promotional events and work with talent.  In the reporting year, a total of four interns were utilized by the company.


For period beginning July 27, 2018 through July 22, 2019:



Total number of Interviewees for all full-time vacancies filled during the past year:  __2___

Full-Time jobs filled during the past year: ___2__


Title of Full-Time job filled:      Announcer/Sales Executive__

            Date Position filled:  November 1, 2018_

            Recruitment Source used: _In House __

            Referred hired? Y__X__ N_____   Number of Interviewees referred: __1__


Additional Information: The position that was filled occurred after an employee was terminated.  We had the hiree in mind. Members of our team had worked with and knew the hiree, and knew he would make a good fit with us.  The hiree had contacted us about any openings and if one should occur he would be interested.   The hiree had extensive experience at both on-air announcing and sales.  The candidate was interviewed and then discussed between the GM and PD.  After the interview and discussion, it was determined that the candidate was who we wanted and no other recruitment was necessary.  The hiree started on November 1, 2018. 


            Contact Person: Gary Petersen____________

            Address: __400 May Mart Dr. Rochelle, IL 61068_____________________

            Phone: ___815-562-7001__________________

Title of Full-Time job filled:      Production Director/Announcer__

            Date Position filled:  December 10, 2018_

            Recruitment Source used: _In House and word of mouth __

            Referred hired? Y__X__ N_____   Number of Interviewees referred: __1__


Additional Information: The position that was filled occurred after an employee resigned.  We were in a bind with lack of on-air personnel and had to move rather quickly.  The hiree had previously worked for Rochelle Broadcasting Company and had been working in the business in the area for many years.  She had extensive experience in both on-air work and production and she was pursued by the PD.  After interviewing the candidate it was determined that she was a good fit for our Company.  She was offered the position and accepted and started employment December 10, 2018. 


Contact Person: Gary Petersen____________

            Address: __400 May Mart Dr. Rochelle, IL 61068_____________________

            Phone: ___815-562-7001__________________







                                    July 27, 2018



This EEO public file report is filed in compliance with section 73.2080c(6) of the FCC’s 2002 EEO rule.  This report has been prepared on behalf of the employment unit that is comprised of stations WRHL-AM and WYOT-FM, Rochelle, Illinois.

We are an equal opportunity employer, committed to providing broad outreach regarding job vacancies and we seek the help of local organizations in referring qualified applicants.  Organizations wishing to receive information about vacancies at the stations should contact Gary Petersen at Rochelle Broadcasting Company, 815-562-7001 and/or write to Director of Human Resources, P.O. Box 177, Rochelle, Illinois 61068 and/or e-mail [email protected].   For the purposes of this report, a vacancy was “filled” not when the offer was extended, but when the hire accepted the job offer.  A person was recorded as “interviewed” whether he or she was interviewed in person, or over the phone or via e-mail.

During the reporting period of July 25, 2017 through July 27, 2018 WRHL-AM and WYOT-FM in compliance with FCC rules, would normally publicize vacancies for both stations by doing the following:  With the exception of internal promotions and rare hires requiring unusual confidentiality, Rochelle Broadcasting Company would use the following recruitment methods:  posting the positions on the station website, and internally through “word of mouth” and “on-air” announcements made on both stations.  Any job opening would be posted on the bulletin board in our building so that all employees were aware of the opening, in the event that someone might ask them about the position or if they knew of someone that might be interested.  On-air advertisements about the position would run on both stations to further reach out to the community about the opening.  We are also an active member of the local Chambers of Commerce.  These groups do a variety of functions, ranging from formal programs to informal meetings and social gatherings at which information concerning the needs of the members are discussed, including employment opportunities and challenges.  In our small, tight-knit communities, we have found that this is the primary and most effective means of alerting business leaders to our needs so that they can spread the word throughout the community.

Long-term recruitment initiatives include an “in-house” internship program involving local college and high school students, or someone from the community.  The program provides programs, newscasts, promotional events and work with talent.  In the reporting year, a total of four interns were utilized by the company.

For period beginning July 25, 2017 through July 27, 2018:



Total number of Interviewees for all full-time vacancies filled during the past year:  __0___

Full-Time jobs filled during the past year: ___0__


            Contact Person: Gary Petersen____________

            Address: __400 May Mart Dr. Rochelle, IL 61068_____________________

            Phone: ___815-562-7001__________________




                                    July 25, 2017



This EEO public file report is filed in compliance with section 73.2080c(6) of the FCC’s 2002 EEO rule.  This report has been prepared on behalf of the employment unit that is comprised of stations WRHL-AM and WYOT-FM, Rochelle, Illinois.

We are an equal opportunity employer, committed to providing broad outreach regarding job vacancies and we seek the help of local organizations in referring qualified applicants.  Organizations wishing to receive information about vacancies at the stations should contact Gary Petersen at Rochelle Broadcasting Company, 815-562-7001 and/or write to Director of Human Resources, P.O. Box 177, Rochelle, Illinois 61068 and/or e-mail [email protected].   For the purposes of this report, a vacancy was “filled” not when the offer was extended, but when the hire accepted the job offer.  A person was recorded as “interviewed” whether he or she was interviewed in person, or over the phone or via e-mail.

During the reporting period of July 20, 2016 through July 25, 2017 WRHL-AM and WYOT-FM in compliance with FCC rules, would normally publicize vacancies for both stations by doing the following:  With the exception of internal promotions and rare hires requiring unusual confidentiality, Rochelle Broadcasting Company would use the following recruitment methods:  posting the positions on the station website, and internally through “word of mouth” and “on-air” announcements made on both stations.  Any job opening would be posted on the bulletin board in our building so that all employees were aware of the opening, in the event that someone might ask them about the position or if they knew of someone that might be interested.  On-air advertisements about the position would run on both stations to further reach out to the community about the opening.  We are also an active member of the local Chambers of Commerce.  These groups do a variety of functions, ranging from formal programs to informal meetings and social gatherings at which information concerning the needs of the members are discussed, including employment opportunities and challenges.  In our small, tight-knit communities, we have found that this is the primary and most effective means of alerting business leaders to our needs so that they can spread the word throughout the community.

Long-term recruitment initiatives include an “in-house” internship program involving local college and high school students, or someone from the community.  The program provides programs, newscasts, promotional events and work with talent.  In the reporting year, a total of three interns were utilized by the company.  The stations were part of the 2017 Career Fair on April 20th at Kishwaukee College.  Job seekers were invited to stop by and visit with local businesses and find out about any jobs available.  Kris Wexell and Jay Burlison represented WRHL and WYOT at the Job Fair.   This is a major outreach event for local businesses.  Inquiries are often received there concerning employment opportunities.  At the Job Fair we set up a booth and discussed possible future job openings and internship possibilities with several students who attended.


For period beginning July 20, 2016 and ending July 25, 2017:



Total number of Interviewees for all full-time vacancies filled during the past year:  __1___

Full-Time jobs filled during the past year: ___1__

Title of Full-Time job filled:      Sales Executive/Announcer__

            Date Position filled:  October 3, 2017_


            Recruitment Source used: _In House and word of mouth__

            Referred hired? Y__X__ N_____   Number of Interviewees referred: __1__


Additional Information: The position that was filled was created with the hiree in mind. We had been thinking of hiring a sales person that could also do on-air for quite some time.  The hiree had contacted us about employment before and it was decided at this time to interview the candidate and discuss possible employment.  The hiree had extensive experience at both and we had worked with the hiree on a different project earlier in the year.  The candidate was interviewed and the job created with him in mind.  After the interview and discussion, it was determined that the candidate was who we wanted and no other recruitment was necessary.  The hiree started on October 3, 2017. 


            Contact Person: Gary Petersen____________

            Address: __400 May Mart Dr. Rochelle, IL 61068_____________________

            Phone: ___815-562-7001__________________





                                    July 20, 2016



This EEO public file report is filed in compliance with section 73.2080c(6) of the FCC’s 2002 EEO rule.  This report has been prepared on behalf of the employment unit that is comprised of stations WRHL-AM and WYOT-FM, Rochelle, Illinois.

We are an equal opportunity employer, committed to providing broad outreach regarding job vacancies and we seek the help of local organizations in referring qualified applicants.  Organizations wishing to receive information about vacancies at the stations should contact Gary Petersen at Rochelle Broadcasting Company, 815-562-7001 and/or write to Director of Human Resources, P.O. Box 177, Rochelle, Illinois 61068 and/or e-mail [email protected].   For the purposes of this report, a vacancy was “filled” not when the offer was extended, but when the hire accepted the job offer.  A person was recorded as “interviewed” whether he or she was interviewed in person, or over the phone or via e-mail.

During the reporting period of July 23, 2015 through July 20, 2016 WRHL-AM and WYOT-FM in compliance with FCC rules, would normally publicize vacancies for both stations by doing the following:  With the exception of internal promotions and rare hires requiring unusual confidentiality, Rochelle Broadcasting Company would use the following recruitment methods:  posting the positions on the station website, and internally through “word of mouth” and “on-air” announcements made on both stations.  Any job opening would be posted on the bulletin board in our building so that all employees were aware of the opening, in the event that someone might ask them about the position or if they knew of someone that might be interested.  On-air advertisements about the position would run on both stations to further reach out to the community about the opening.  We are also an active member of the local Chamber of Commerce.  This group does a variety of functions, ranging from formal programs to informal meetings and social gatherings at which information concerning the needs of the members are discussed, including employment opportunities and challenges.  In our small, tight-knit community, we have found that this is the primary and most effective means of alerting business leaders to our needs so that they can spread the word throughout the community.



Long-term recruitment initiatives include an “in-house” internship program involving local college and high school students.  The program provides programs, newscasts, promotional events and work with talent.  In the reporting year, a total of four interns were utilized by the company.  The stations were part of the 2016 Career Fair on April 20th at Kishwaukee College.  Job seekers were invited to stop by and visit with local businesses and find out about any jobs available.  Kris Wexell and Jay Burlison represented WRHL and WYOT at the Job Fair.   This is a major outreach event for local businesses.  Inquiries are often received there concerning employment opportunities.  At the Job Fair we set up a booth and discussed possible future job openings and internship possibilities with several students who attended.



For period beginning July 23, 2015 and ending July 20, 2016:



Total number of Interviewees for all full-time vacancies filled during the past year:  __0___

Full-Time jobs filled during the past year: ___0__


            Contact Person: Gary Petersen____________

            Address: __400 May Mart Dr. Rochelle, IL 61068_____________________

            Phone: ___815-562-7001__________________













A Rochelle Broadcasting Company, Inc.
Mail: PO Box 177 Rochelle, IL 61068
Shipping: 400 May Mart Dr Rochelle, IL 61068
Business Line: 1-815-562-7001


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